One Worldwide Family in God
The Diocese of Missouri
The Right Reverend Deon K. Johnson, Diocesan Bishop
Information from the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri:
You are invited to read and sign.
You are invited to read and sign.

A covenant is more than an agreement. A covenant is a relationship of commitment between God and God's people.
In response to the death of George Floyd and others in police custody, the Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson wrote an anti-racism covenant. The document includes our laments (the things we confess to doing wrong) and our covenant (the promises we make to do better).
Several other bishops in the Episcopal Church and ELCA are supporting our bishop in this action. We invite everyone in our diocese to read the covenant and sign on if you feel called to do so.
As Bishop Deon said, this is an opportunity to move beyond a "statement" and engage in meaningful action to end the sin of racism.
For more information go to the ANTI-RACISM website.
Download the anti-racism covenant here.